Friday, May 10, 2013

Video Review, Module 15

1.  Key Concepts

Greenberg on Art Criticism: An Interview by T. J. Clark
-critiquing visual art is harder than critiquing music and literature
-you don't ask anything of art but to be good
-there has been a main stream all along
-doesn't want to prescribe art
-when talking about art, all you should discuss is the art
-everything in you has to be in your eye or ear to be in your art
-when arts good its everything it should be
-experience = good art

The Colonial Encounter: Views of Non-Western Art and Culture
-1900 Paris Worlds Fair ran for 8 months with 15 million visitors
-colonial section exposed the nationalism of the event
-different exhibits have different things symbolized and displayed so people understand the connection to the times

Yes, these videos relate to the art criticism project. When watching the videos I learned that it's important for me to critique the art and not the artists. My personal biases cannot be added into the critiquing either. Also, when viewing the exhibits you need to make sure that you understand what they are portraying and the point they are trying to make. 

The films were very interesting. The videos gave a lot of insight on how to view exhibits, and also how to review them. I need to make sure that I am only reviewing the art, and not the artists. 

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