Saturday, May 11, 2013

Review, Project 4

 For this project I chose to use the theme of storms. I have always been fascinated by storms, and I knew if i used that theme for my exhibit I could add photography (my favorite form of art). I began researching famous artworks about storms and I came up with many. Most of them were rain storms, but I was lucky to find some snow storms. I chose to use photography for the emphasis of snow storms, and tornadoes. I don't think any painting could look as good a photo of a tornado. I designed my power point so that if it were a real exhibit it would be in stages. First, the stormy artworks that were landscapes, then the sea storms, then snow storms, and lastly a storm chasing photo. I put a lot of thought into how to arrange the order, it ended up being in seasonal order as well. Starting with summer storms and ending with spring storms with fall and winter in between. I wanted to use pieces of art that had a lot of color and contrasting of colors to create the storm clouds, when using the theme of storms it wasn't hard to find the color contrasting.

Overall, I think that my power point and exhibition worked out well. I made sure that when I was explaining the pieces of art I wasn't offensive to the artists, I was critiquing and reviewing the art and not the artists!

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