Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Self-Portrait, Module 15


Andy Warhol 
Silkscreen ink on synthetic polymer paint on nine canvases
Each canvas 22 1/2 x 22 1/2", overall 67 5/8 x 67 5/8" 
The Museum of Modern Art

Vincent van Gogh's Self-Portrait Drawing
Vincent van Gogh
Pencil on paper
Van Gog Museum

Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Pencil and pastel on paper
197 mm x 178 mm
National Portrait Gallery



I selected these inspiration pieces because I knew I was going to be using pencil so I wanted to see art professional sketches in pencil. I added the Warhol portrait because it's fun and I really like the pop art movement, I tried to incorporate that by using sunglasses.

I selected pencil and paper because I knew I wouldn't be good at this assignment. I knew I would make a lot of mistakes so I wanted to be able to easily starts over or erase something. I'm not a professional so I needed all the help I could get.

The whole drawing was a challenge to me. Especially the mouth and nose, I tried to use a picture of me without sunglasses but I struggled even worse with the placement with the nose.I knew that if I used sunglasses it would create a place for my nose. I also just took the picture step by step and focus on one part of the piece at a time.

This image represents me because it is me, I wear sunglasses almost everyday, I hate leaving my house without them. Including them was just like including an accessory to myself. I tried my best to make it look as best like me as I could get it.

I used shading in my picture a lot. I had shading in my hair, nose, and sunglasses. It added a little extra to my drawing. I also used lines, although I erased them to keep my sunglasses and mouths equal I drew straight lines across my face to keep it symmetrical and proportional. I used proportion when I made my mouth, nose and sunglasses, I wanted to keep them as try to size as I could.

I enjoyed creating this image, it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I really struggled with the creation of my mouth and teeth. I also avoided having to draw my eyes by using sunglasses. I knew I would have struggled with that part as well.

I think my final picture turned out okay, it certainly looks different than the picture of myself, but I did my best to draw myself.

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