Saturday, March 2, 2013

Logo Design

1. I really liked creating a logo, it was fun because it was unique to ourselves. We could put whatever we wanted into our logo to make it original and our own. 

2. When I first sat down to create my logo I had a few ideas in my mind that I wanted to include:
  • Something to represent my major- Childhood Education
  • My love for music
  • My nationality 
  • My hobbies (softball,gardening)
     At first I started off with the idea that I would make a rectangular base that I would use as the Ukrainian flag (nationality) and then I would add the objects listed above into the rectangle. I quickly realized I wasn't crazy about that idea, it didn't seem as creative as it could have been. In my second sketch I thought I could turn a sunflower (hobby) into the focal point and incorporate the rest into it. I chose to put the Ukrainian flag into the middle, then work with including the others into the pedals. I didn't like how the music looked in the pedals, so I created my third sketch. I focused on keeping the middle the flag and creating everything around in the pedals, I decided to add the music notes as the stem. I liked this idea, but I wasn't sold on the pedals and their shape. I chose to switch the flower back to a sunflower, and kept the music notes as the stem, I focused the middle of the flower as holding my initials  and creating a softball because of the circular shape. Instead of adding an apple, or symbols for my major, I had the flower rest on a few books. For my final logo, all I really did was switch up the placement of my objects, except my flag...I decided to make my pedals into the flag, but only do half of my pedals the flag because I am only 50% Ukrainian.
Sketch 1
Sketch 2

Sketch 3
Final Logo

3. The most important discovery I made while creating my logo was the difficulty in creating a perfect representation, I had a lot of ideas to add into the logo ( that wasn't the problem), but when getting those ideas onto paper I realized how easy it was to dislike what you created. Placement of all my ideas was another thing I struggled with. I eventually just stopped, took a breath, and visions where to place the objects in my head before I drew them on the paper. 

4. The most important information I learned from all of our resources were the ideas of what I should add into my logo to represent myself. When reading the powerpoint it explained the use of emblems, from here is where I got my idea to add my nationality. The powerpoint also reminded us that good logos use the elements and principles of art, balance, scale, line, space,shape, etc. I enjoyed the videos, I really liked them because they showed us the creative process in creating an actual logo for a company. We learned that they go to others to get approved and their thoughts behind what they could change or keep the same. It was easy for us to get inspiration into the creative process through the use of the videos. 

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