Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sculptor, Glass, Ceramics, and Installation Art

1. I learned many key concepts from the videos....
Through the Eyes of the Sculptor:
-Limestone can be found in underground tunnels that can be cut out and used for sculptors.
-Restoration is the act of carving feelings back into the shape, and you need to put yourself in the shoes of the original artist
-Must always check the stone before carving, this allows you to listen for crack in the limestone
-Working on more than one sculpture at a time allows you to keep your mind fresh
-Writing/drawing on the stone helps develop the carving
-Layering the clay when building the model allows for better details and a more in depth look at the 

Glass and Ceramics:
-Glass is made from about 60-70% sand
-Glass can be remolded until it reaches the desired shape
-Ceramics are made from a clay base
-Ceramics are made from liquid then poured into a mold and heated 
-Glazing is the step in which the piece gets the shine/color
-Ceramics can help in the medical field (hip replacements)

Installation Art:
-Artwork defines the space, individual to each artists
-Can be made with mixed medias
-Can be video work
-No determined size for it, can be huge or very small

2. The videos relate to the text because they explain what we read about, but go more in depth. In the text we read about the different types of art like glassblowing, ceramics, metal work, the videos we see first hand how these artworks are made step by step. We see from the beginning step to the end step how the art in these forms are made. The videos help us understand what maybe we didn't understand in the text. I also prefer video because I find it easier to follow along with. 

3. I enjoyed the videos, I always enjoys videos rather than reading, I can comprehend something that I view better than I read. These videos help us understand what we read in these chapters, and give us specific examples on how these arts are made. The videos help answer questions that we might have that the book doesn't answer. 

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