Saturday, April 27, 2013

Module 12, Video Review

1. I chose the two videos Abstract Expressionism and Pop: Art of the '50s and '60s and Andy Warhol : Images of an Image because they seemed very interesting to me. I really like pop art and I knew that's what Andy Warhol did, so that was an easy pick for me. I also knew he made the campbell's soup painting so I was interested in learning more about him. As I stated I really enjoy pop art so I figured the abstract expressionism art of the '50s and '60s would be very interesting. I knew a little about that type of art, but I was interested in learning more.

2. Key Concepts-

Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art of the '50s and '60s:
-the more they focused on their pictures, the more detail that they could add
-the looking at the color makes us think we see that the colors take on different shapes
-Pollock let the paint drip and drop off the brush onto the canvas
-all the painters strength is shown in bringing the paint to the canvas/cotton cloth (Frankenthaler)
-using the cotton cloth soaked up the paint and created different pictures
-Flag became a symbol in the art world as it does symbolize America
-Warhol started the repetition with stamps
-always used the same starting portrait for the art using the repetition

Andy Warhol: Images of an Image:
- He wanted to be a tap dancer and not an artist
- Worked commercially in magazines, stayed out of museums and wasn't known for a very long time
- Connected photos of people all his life
- After Marilyn death he chose one image and using the silk screen technique switched it up
- To silk screen pictures need to be blown up a lot
- If anything happens to the screen- the images are ruined
- Obsessed with the idea of celebrity
- Published his own magazine
- Did a movie with Liz Taylor- became an international superstar
- Sometimes used Polaroid pictures as the base of his artwork
- Produced dozens of self-portraits

3. These videos relate to the text because in chapter 22 we learned about the different art styles that were happening in the '50s and '60s. We read in chapter 22 about Pollock and Warhol who were all spoken about in the videos.

4. I didn't mind the Andy Warhol video, but the Abstract Expressionism video was very dry. I liked that the Warhol video started with music and an interview of him. The abstract video was about the creation of abstract and it talked a little bit about pop art, but the Warhol video went more in depth with the pop art. They add depth to the text because they go into detail about what we read. They add more information to what we had already read. Using the videos gave us the ability to view the artist's work while we were learning about them and their style of art rather than just reading about it on the author pages in the chapter.

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