Friday, April 5, 2013

Eploring Line

Made it extra large, so it was more visable!

1. In my opinion it was really easy using my hand as the subject matter, it made it easy to view and it was easily accessible. Being able to have what your drawing right in front of you makes it that much easier, especially when what your drawing is able to move right up in front of your eyes easily to view those small details. I liked having my hand as the subject matter, except it made me realize how many scars I have on my hands and how people view my hands rather than how I might view them.

2. I decided to use pencil for two reasons. First, I am more comfortable using pencil, when I used charcoal to create the shading scale I made a mess out of my hands and my environment. Secondly, I knew that when using my dominant hand to draw I was going to want to erase and fix many things, I knew I was going to make mistakes (especially drawing with my left hand). I can't even write my name with my left hand, how was I going to draw my right hand?

3. It was very frustrating and awkward to draw with my left hand (non-dominant). I didn't have the muscle control when using my left hand to draw, which made it extremely hard to draw the outline of my hand. Even when "drawing" my knuckles and the little lines there I had a hard time controlling my pencil. I found I had to press down really hard to have any sort of control on my paper.

4. My final drawings are very different. I believe that neither of the hands are complete studies, I didn't add many of the creases and lines that I have in my hands, it was difficult enough trying to draw my finger nails than having to figure out the proper shading and lines for all the creases and complete details to my hands. I do think that my left hand is closer to being a complete study than my right, I added more details because it was  easy to draw.

5. I would never ever consider drawing with my non-dominant hand in the future to create artwork. Drawing with it once today was enough to realize that I will never be ambidextrous or anywhere close to it. I could barely draw a line with my left hand, so I don't think artwork is anywhere to be seen in my future.

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