Saturday, April 20, 2013

Module 11, Video Review

1. I chose the two videos this week solely on the fact that they were the first two videos. I like Picasso's work, so I was interested to learn more about him and his work, and I wasn't too familiar with Matisse so I figured it'd be something to learn about. When looking at these video summaries none caught my eye like they usually do so I just picked the second video to review. No matter which video I picked I'd be learning a lot.

2.  Key Concepts:

Matisse and Picasso:
-Matisse broke the tradition of art, his talent became a scandal
-Picasso got his inspiration from his father, very french on organization of thoughts
-when the two met they exchanged paintings
-Matisse sculpts like a painter, only wanted to paint love and up beat things
-Matisse moved to Nice for inspiration, for 8 months
-Matisse liked creating female nudes and fabrics
-painting was panic for Matisse
-waited for the art to come to him (Matisse)
-Matisse had times in his life where he wanted to commit suicide, wasn't always happy like his paintings were
-Picasso bought many of Matisse's art works
-Picasso also had fits of suicidal thoughts
-Picasso often was obsessed with ideas that he was very sick
-Picasso bent the art of ceramics to his own laws
-death of Matisse was the worst thing that could have happened to Picasso
-Picasso mourned Matisse by overtaking his artwork ideas

Dance at the Moulin de la Galette:
-the painting brings Paris to us
-once of the most expensive painting to date ($78.1 million, 40 million pounds)
-currently kept in a secret location
-most beautiful picture of the 19th century
-painted twice, larger and smaller version, not been seen in public since 1990, and no one knows which painting was finished first (both dated 1876)
-snapshot of real life, people were in the dance hall on their one day off from 3pm-midnight
-Montmarte enjoyed the seclusion while creating his artwork
-lots of gazing going on in the picture
-didn't blend his colors to emphasis the color
-brush work is different throughout the whole piece, some slashing, some complete strokes
-would carry his canvas to and from the studio every time he painted
-very unusual that piece made it to the market
-most incredible painting sold at auction, made history
-Ryouei Siato, Japanese paper manufacturer bought the piece

3. These videos relate to the text because the explain about a few of the artists and works of art from the modern world of art from 1800-1945. In the text we talked about manet and impressionism styles of art which is the category the Le Moulin de la Galette falls into. We also read about fauvism,expressionism, and cubism which both Matisse and Picasso created their works in the styles of.

4. I enjoyed the films, the film about the Le Moulin de la Galette was very interesting because that piece of art was so secretive. There isn't a lot known about that piece which made the video very interesting, I didn't know any about it except that he was painting his friends who used to gather to dance. It was interesting to learn about the auctioning and buying of the piece. The other video was interesting as well because we were given a look inside Matisse and Picasso's friendship and the building of their relationship It was interesting to compare their artworks. They add depth to the readings because they explain more about the time periods and the influences that were created by the people. It gave a visual understanding to those who relate more with visual learning.

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